Join a Cause

Together, caring for the needs around us

Following Jesus is an adventure and we will not be passive. We are all on a mission and we will engage our resources to care for our community.

We want our local community to know we care and be glad that New Life Church is here.

Most people want to make a difference, but we don’t always know how. We’ve got practical ways you can get involved. Find out more below.

Local reach.

We are for our community


TLG exists to bring a hope and a future to struggling children. We run the Early Intervention program across our local schools by sending in coaches to care for and influence a generation for good. Check out TLG EARLY INTERVENTION for more information.

Make Lunch

New Life Church started Make Lunch Letchworth to provide cooked meals, recipe boxes and activity packs for families who would otherwise struggle to feed their children over the school holidays. Check out MAKE LUNCH for more information.


New Life Church was one of the founding churches to start the Letchworth Foodbank. We collect food at all of our gatherings to help supply the local foodbank with critically needed supplies. Check out the LETCHWORTH FOODBANK website for more information.


Choice Pregnancy Advice Centre provides care for those experiencing unplanned pregnancy, miscarriages or abortion. We provide a safe and welcoming place to support you. Check out the CHOICE WEBSITE for more information.


Christian Initiative to Schools (CIS) is a local charity that is committed to helping local school children experience the relevance of Christianity in their lives. We help employ a schools worker who takes assemblies, RE lessons and runs lunch time clubs. He also serves as a chaplain and provides pastoral care. Check out the CIS WEBSITE for more details.

CAP Money Course

The CAP Money Course is a free course that will teach you budgeting skills and a simple system to successfully manage your money. In a couple weeks, you will get to grips with your finances so you can budget, save and prevent debt.

If you are interested in our next course, please email

International reach.

We are for our world

We also want to care for the needs in our world and we focus on the following three areas:

Rekai Tangwene Children’s Home

Over a decade ago, New Life helped setup and provided the funding to build Rekai Tangwena Children's Home in Nyanga, Zimbabwe. We continue to support their ongoing costs as they provide for orphans and vulnerable children.

Tender Heart

Tender Heart is based in Goa, India working to provide education, vocational training, nutrition and healthcare for children living in the slums. Get inspired about TENDER HEART by checking their website.

Do you want to Join a Cause? Find out how to get involved:

Click here to donate financially to our projects: